BIUGED – Cylindrical Mandrel Tester

BGD 564 Cylindrical Mandrel Tester complies with ISO 1519:2011,ASTM D522 and DIN 53152.It is used to assess the resistance of a coating of paint, varnish or related product to cracking and/or detachment from a metal or plastic substrate when subjected to bending round a cylindrical mandrel under standard conditions.

This tester consists of three PVC rolls wich are arranged side by side and run on pivoting bearings. Thus, the coating is not exposed to damge or shear stress during the test.

The test can be carried out:

— either as a “pass/fail” test, by carrying out the test with a single specified size of mandrel, to assess compliance with a particular requirement;

— or by repeating the procedure using successively smaller mandrels to determine the diameter of the first mandrel over wich the coating cracks and/or becomes detached from the substrate.

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